- Preparation Reach – GET READY – Be In Position to Launch Your Initiatives – This is the time to start getting to know more about the initiatives, while becoming part of a larger collective, or ensemble. Follow other adventurers also taking their personal journey, make sure all of your technology is active and working, and get ready for new possibilities to come forward in your life.
- 1st Reach – REACH NOW – Commit To Do More of Something You Love – Do something that is actual, reachable, manageable, and – potentially blissful! Be bold in your thinking, and start small in your actions. Notice that you will resist most what you actually love most to do. Suspend your judgments about this apparent contradiction. Work through the tensions and hesitations with taking new actions. Tolerate your imperfections, and grow your ability to immerse yourself in enjoyment.
- 2nd Reach – REACH BACK – Renew a Vital Connection From Your Past – Re-establish contact with an old friend, a former mentor or teacher, someone you realize now that you valued highly, and whose connection with you still matters. Notice what it does for you to remember various people you regarded that helped you along on your way. Pay attention to what it feels like to consider reaching out to them. Now see if you can meet with them one more time – reconnect and re-experience what lives outside of time.
- 3rd Reach – REACH FORWARD – Go Where You Haven’t Gone Before – Stretch yourself in a fresh and particular way. Start doing something new, beyond your comfort zone, and start doing it now. Consider expanding your sense of self by trying out something other than what you might typically do. Notice whether feelings of inadequacy or embarrassment tend to stop this process. What is it like to go beyond how you typically think of yourself? If you fail at first, can you stay with the new activity a while longer? What adaptations do you need to make, to sustain yourself on the new pathway?
- 4th Reach – REACH & RE-ADJUST – Make a Correction to Your Path – Explore a practice of becoming more adaptable, more flexible, and more resilient. Actively engage with and demonstrate a growing ability to alter your course. Break an old habit or move beyond an established pattern that is no longer alive for you. Where in your life is something not quite working or flowing? Rather than go into avoidance or self-defeat, think about a creative alternative. Keep suspending any self judgment for your perceived failures or mistakes. How might these ‘errors’ actually now help you to go forward, in a way that would not be possible if they did not occur?
- 5th Reach – REACH UP – Have an Expansive Encounter – Pursue an experience or encounter with someone you look up to as a hero, or by connecting and having an encounter with someone you highly regard, in a way that would feel both risky and enlivening. Be daring here. Make efforts to contact with them, and don’t give up easily. Get the opportunity to learn more about what has always drawn you to them, and what inspires you about them. What if what you see in them also resides somewhere within you? Notice where any sense of inadequacy or smallness tends to stop this pursuit, and don’t succumb to it. Share this particular ‘Reach’ with some allies of yours, each step along the way.
- 6th Reach– REACH & LET GO – Do A Give Away Act – Practice the generosity of genius! Let go of something tangible, that has been held onto for a long time, and now is no longer essential to you. Consider giving this gift away to someone in particular who matters to you; but you can also consider giving it to a stranger as well. Let this become another opportunity to embrace your own sense of largeness through having a spirit of generosity abide in you. What does it do for you to consider what you would give away? What does it mean to be letting go of this object now? How is it to consider who you wish to gift? Set up a way to make the give away something fun, meaningful and real.
- Integration/Closure – WELCOME THE NEW ARRIVALS – Gain a New Perspective On Yourself and Your Life – Look back on what has unfolded as a result of your initiatives, and reflect on newly arriving, overall ‘gestalt’ – the newly forming one of wholeness and aliveness coming out of the prior six session ‘reaches’. This is an important time to recognize the thread of the boon, which moves through all your initiatives, and weaves together a new understanding of what you are now capable of, and how you can benefit from opening to the unexpected arrivals and discoveries about yourself and others. You will notice more clearly how being a part of an Ensemble allowed you to go where you would not have gone by yourself.