Your Task: Reach Up

Reach Up – Open to an Expansive Encounterpursue an experience or encounter with someone you look up to as a hero – someone who deeply inspires you, someone who emulates the values you hold dear, someone or perhaps someone who has been important to you in a larger-than-life-as-usual way.

Practice becoming more purposefully vulnerable to your deeper, life-giving longings; feel into your best wishes for your own aliveness and connection to life; allow for the potentiality of your most uplifting feelings.

  • Risk empowering yourself on behalf of these possibilities.

Live Broadcast Links

The Reach to Readjust Broadcasts take place on Crowdcast and are held on both Wednesday and Sunday. Click below.

  1. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24th, 8:30-9:30 PM ET          
  2. SATURDAY, JANUARY 27th, 11:00AM-12:00PM ET



Say Yes Quickly

Forget yourself. Say God is Great. Rise up.
You think you know what time it is. It’s time to pray.
You’ve carved so many little figurines, too many.
Don’t knock on any random door like a beggar.
Reach your long hands out to another door, beyond where
you go on the street, the street
where everyone says, “How are you?”
and no one says How aren’t you?

Tomorrow you’ll see what you’ve broken and torn tonight,
thrashing in the dark. Inside you
there’s an artist you don’t know about.
She’s not interested in how things look different in moonlight.

If you are with us here unfaithfully,
you’re causing terrible damage.
If you’ve opened your love to the great love,
you’re helping people you’ll never know
and have never seen.

Is what I say true? Say yes quickly,
if you know it, if you’ve known it
from before the moment you were born.

You Are the Only Student You Have
his is the other Rumi poem from Saturday’s broadcast.



  • Think about someone you have admired, respected, or have viewed as a positive role model for your own life.   Notice what happens inside you when you think about initiating contact with them.  What is revealed to you about any old ways in which you still keep yourself small or insignificant?  How does it feel to reach towards them for the possibility of a meaningful encounter?  Can you keep your focus on your actions towards them, and less on their response to you?


  • Now do what you can to meet or speak with this person of significance. Learn more about what has always drawn you to them.    This requires growing a tolerance for expanding yourself towards a larger bounty. This reach can open you to a stronger connection to positive feelings about yourself and another you have highly valued.Practice becoming more purposefully vulnerable to your deeper, life-giving longings; feel into your best wishes for your own aliveness and connection to life; allow for the potentiality of your most uplifting feelings.



  • Practice your imagining and daring, bring them together, and be bold in action.

Reach up to one particular person you hold in high regard – correspond, call or visit them.  Ride the edge of your hesitation, and notice whether it is shyness, insecurity, or fear of excitement that hold you back.  Then take the leap, and report on a broadcast or to your ally group what it was like for you.


  • Remember that is the reach up itself  that offers you the most possibility for enlivening vitality, and not the outcome of the reach.

  • Use your Reach Up to inspire yourself.  Use this fresh infusion of inspiration to follow up on one of your previous reaches!

Small Group Check In Sessions

Monday Evening- January 29th 8:30 pm ET –  or Call +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID:416-502-407

Wednesday-January 31st 9:00 pm ET– or Call +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID:417-714-905

Thursday- February 1st 11:00 am ET or Call +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID:363-516-478

Sunday- February 4th 10:00 am ET – or Call +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID:912-627-684

Bliss is the welling up of the energy of the transcendent mystery within you.


Joseph Campbell